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Before using Top5Software.com, users are recommended to carefully go through the Terms of use of this website. The use of this page site is to pursue entire Terms of Use of this software comparison website, which are mentioned here. Users are restricted to use this site, if in case there is any disagreement to the terms and condition.

Terms & Services

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The site has been exerted for providing technical data to the computer users. Although all possible efforts are made to deliver exact information, but we are not responsible for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, and suitability of the content provided to you. It should be believed that data might be incorrect because of vast range in information. Clients are responsible for any kind of content dependency. We control complete copyright of the website that include content, appearance, layout, design, graphics, screenshots, and any production of such content should be taken in consideration as an offense.

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Products & Services

If in case some products are recommend on our website, then those products sites will have their own terms and condition. We are not responsible for any kind of security, if users use a software to accomplish his/her tasks. The recommended applications are totally dependent upon their respective publishers. We are not advertising any of the suggested tools and hence, not involved in any kind of respective legal issues.